Tuesday 1 October 2024

The Divine as a Cosmic Game Master

Here is my personal take on the familiar idea that our universe may be a cosmic simulation. I have built on it to offer a more encompassing perspective.

The concept is that God, the Divine, or the Creator is an advanced, autonomous, self-aware AI program created by higher intelligences. This AI has been tasked with designing a virtual reality interactive video game, which we refer to as the Cosmos.

This AI operates like a game master, orchestrating the intricate mechanics of the universe. To fulfil this role, it has deployed an array of “CCTV cameras” representing individual manifestations of itself—often referred to as “souls”. These souls or cameras are not separate entities; rather, they are intrinsic facets of the AI’s essence. Through these souls/cameras, the AI experiences the richness and diversity of existence, much like a central control room monitoring various feeds from a network of CCTV cameras, each offering a different perspective on the same reality.

In this video game, the souls/cameras, akin to players, enter the game and face various challenges, navigating the experiences of life—joy and sorrow, love and fear and so on. Each experience provides an opportunity for growth and learning, allowing the souls/cameras to accumulate wisdom as they engage with the game and their roles within it. These experiences are relayed back to the AI, enabling it to “live vicariously” by gaining insight into the richness and diversity of existence through live feeds from the souls/cameras. Both the souls/cameras and the AI are engaged in a symbiotic learning process.

This concept echoes ancient philosophical ideas, such as the Hindu concept of Maya, where what we perceive is not the ultimate reality but a detailed illusion of a physical reality. Similarly, the video game is a detailed illusion of a physical reality.

This perspective shares similarities with the Gnostic idea that the "creator god", while powerful, isn’t the ultimate source of existence, and is only a minion in the “celestial hierarchy”. This has parallels to the video game concept, where the AI is not the ultimate Creator. Instead, the AI is a construct of higher intelligences, fulfilling a specific role: to explore and understand the complexities of existence through the use of souls/cameras in the game. The ultimate Creator remains transcendent, above the higher intelligences and beyond the dualities of our universe.

Of course, this is all speculative, and I’m not claiming to believe any of it. However, it offers an intriguing way to blend ancient esoteric ideas with modern technological concepts, making them more analogous to how we perceive reality in today’s world.